I got two letters on Christmas Day. Neither were from people I knew or even about Christmas at all. They were letters from people who wanted to be trained in art ministry. They were letters from people who, though miracles in and of themselves, God led to my "door." I was humbled and rattled, but also deeply confirmed in my spirit that the Lord is up to something I don't yet fully understand. Recently He has reminded me of words, visions, dreams, Scriptures and even paintings that have spoken prophetically about what I believe God wants to do through a creative awakening in His kingdom and His people. I will share more of that in days to come, but for now, I simply wanted to give you a glimpse. I get the unbelievable blessing of getting emails like the ones I got on Christmas more regularly than I ever would have imagined. I share this with complete joy knowing that what God is doing is simply put- His doing. I share this because I don't want to keep this blessing and joy to myself- I want you (whomever chooses to read this) to KNOW that God is at work powerfully right now and I would love your prayers and even support.
"Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life,[a] flowing with water clear as crystal, continuously pouring out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 The river was flowing in the middle of the street of the city, and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life,[b] with its twelve kinds of ripe fruit according to each month of the year. The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations. -Rev 22:1-2

**Artwork by Aeron Brown
There is a creative river of life that streams from His throne room and a world full of people that need the healing that comes from it. The nations are in need of some deep healing and God offers it freely. Honest confession: I do little to no marketing. I have no need or desire for any brand to be made famous. But I do know that God is rapidly bringing people that are hearing this creative and evangelistic call to connect and I feel butterflies in my tummy at the chance to partner with with Him. I'm not quite sure what's happening, but I hear the knocks. He is raising people up all over the globe to use their diverse creative gifting to reach a hurting people with the love and healing of Christ. Jesus wants to use the creative arts to reach into places that have previously been shut. He wants to use the arts to heal families, heal deep wounds, and heal nations. God has given me, given Created, a specific calling to gather and train these warriors with the simple tools He has taught me. I delight in watching them do what He made them to do, and then teach me even further what possibilities there are in store! If you have any desire to join in what God is doing in the arts, I would love to connect with you. But for now, I received permission to share with you two of the emails I received this week to encourage you. Be blessed my friends. God's plans have not been thwarted. Not even a little.
**If you would like to connect with me, email me or go to www.createdministry.com
Dear Ashley,
Thank you very much for your care and interest! I have always thought of myself as the one who is not able to create anything beautiful or worthy to share. Even when my fellow brothers and sisters did camps for at-risk children (the ministry I was a part of for about 10 years), I would always be outside the arts and crafts activities because of my low self-esteem, even though I enjoyed watching everyone having fun and the works of the little hands! But it started to change when my 2-years old daughter Barbara began to paint at home. Just like you said in one of the videos "children don't care about the final product..." they just follow their free spirit. God started to work inside my heart and let all of my fears disappear. He shifted my attention from the form to the meaning. Now I am enjoying everything connected to self-expression thinking about the One who gave us everything good that we can use to create with Him.
Another reason I was looking for a christian art minister is that in Russia where we have lots and lots of opportunities to learn secular arts, there are so few (I would really say none) ways to implement Scripture and invite Holy Spirit to work during these art sessions. Churches might have some activities within Sunday School but nothing for adults who desperately need this kind of a ministry. So I started to google and I believe God led me specifically to you and CREATED. So here I am completing 67% of the wonderful lectures you put together. I believe God has something in mind of how to use it in Russia too (or maybe somewhere He will lead me to) and He definitely draws me closer to Him speaking through you, encouraging me to trust Him, pray to Him and follow His dream.
I thank you so much for this, Ashley! I would never believe it's possible but Jesus is the One who makes impossible things real!
May Christ bless you and your ministry abundantly,
Hello! I discovered your Created Art Ministry website and course last night which was a God send! The Lord recently revealed to me that one of my giftings is in art although I gave up on that passion after high school. I recently started painting again and discovered prophetic art. I looked at some videos and was excited about it but a bit skeptical as well to be honest. I prayed to the Lord is this really real!? And oh did he show me it was real...I was on a women's discipleship call and He (the Holy spirit) told me to paint what I saw and I did then He told me it was for one of the lady's on the call and gave me the interpretation of the painting to share with her. She was blown away bc it was a vision the Lord gave her recently but she didn't know what it meant. Then I was invited to do a 3-day revival where I was painting prophetically for the first time in November. I was so nervous that I wouldn't be good enough bc I am an amateur/beginner artist and have no formal training but God showed up and showed out. I learned through these encounters that God really speaks and heals through art and all I need to do is yield to him. And of course continue the course. The Lord gave me ideas and so many confirmations from others that this is a gift to be used for His glory. But I'm having a hard time figuring out how art can be a ministry and how to connect the 2. I was just searching and praying last night about the blueprint and was thinking about getting my master's degree another shot, but I really felt in my spirit that wasn't the answer or path God wanted. That is when I found a forum where another lady was asking the same question how can she combine art and ministry and has anyone ever done that. Then I saw your comment that had so much profound wisdom and I instantly felt God press on my heart to visit your website He had something to show me and in store...and He sure did your vision and mission is so amazing and so similar to what God was telling me. I'm beyond excited to start your Created Art course. I am so happy you were obedient and formed this ministry and have dedicated your time to help raise up other emerging Christian artists. God bless you and your family!!!
I would love to connect with you. Share your stories, comment below with how you are seeing God work through the arts, or even the dreams He has put in you to be part of it!