Purposefully Creating
Artmaking, writing, speaking... all things creative

My name is Ashley and I am a mixed media and prophetic artist. I have been creating for 25 years and am still learning to listen to Jesus as we paint together. I hope this work speaks to you in some way.
Below you will find list of my current originals for sale, as well as past sold work that can be purchased as art prints. To order, please fill out the form/ or email. Don't forget to check out my books on amazon!
Originals for Sale
*Please email to purchase an original

30x30:$825 Mixed media on canvas *at KinnectedCo working This image was inspired by my teenager daughter on a family sabbatical in an old abbey in England. As she sat there in her overalls looking out into the unknown, I was reminded of the challenging but beautiful places when we find ourselves sitting on the edge of the in-betweens in life. Holding on to what still is and looking with both hopefulness and anxiousness of the stage ahead. May the Lord keep with you with a pure heart.

20x20: $450 Mixed media on canvas, framed On display at Kinnected CoWorking There is a gentle reminder as we look at creation around us that life is fragile and fleeting. However the roots that we plant create legacies that stretch beyond us.

16x20:$375 Mixed media on canvas, framed On display at Kinnected CoWorking

16x20: $250 Mixed media on canvas, framed We are constantly surrounded by words. Some have some to mean very little. It's in these spaces that we often simply need to be held by Jesus and by those that follow him.

16x20: $225 Mixed media on canvas, framed When our pride is poured out we leave room for our mess to be the start of something beautiful.

Original, 4 panels 6'x6' $5500 Prints: 4 panels, 12"x12" $145 As we move through seasons in our lives, we are reminded through the beauty of creation that one season cannot exist without the others. Each, in turn, has its time. Each, in turn, comes back around again. And in each, Christ hold it all together.

3'x3': $575 Mixed media on canvas Having the courage to change, letting go of what used to be to let God do something new, albeit scary at times, but beautiful. As we learn to move into each new season, God gives us the strength for the next- even if we feel like we aren’t quite ready to fly. *available in square sizes only

20x20: $275 Mixed media on canvas “But He also can turn a barren wilderness into an oasis with water! He can make springs flow into desert lands and them into fertile valleys so that cities spring up and he gives it to all those who are hungry.” Psalm 107:35-36*available in square sizes only

4'x4':$1100 Mixed media on canvas Jeremiah 6:16 “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient ways. Ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls, but we said (we will not).”*available in square sizes only

16x20: $275 Mixed media on canvas From a place of childlike wonder, we remember God made us to sing, create, make, build, collaborate, make messes and make mistakes.

16x20:$125 Mixed media on canvas

8x10 mixed media $60 The secret place. Vulnerable. Rested. Seen. Stilled.
Fine Art Prints of my work:
The following pieces can be ordered as fine art prints (professionally printed on heavy art paper that's able to be framed) Please fill out request form below. When ordering, include the artwork title and sizing. Please note, some pieces only come in square sizing.

From the hills of England series: We are a light on a hill, not to be hidden

From the hills of England series: Taken from a captured moment when we found a little village called "hope" tucked out of sight. Sometimes we just have to have eyes ready to see it.

From the hills of England series

From the hills of England series

Prints: 4 panels, 12"x12" $145 As we move through seasons in our lives, we are reminded through the beauty of creation that one season cannot exist without the others. Each, in turn, has its time. Each, in turn, comes back around again. And in each, Christ hold it all together.

Having the courage to change, letting go of what used to be to let God do something new, albeit scary at times, but beautiful. As we learn to move into each new season, God gives us the strength for the next- even if we feel like we aren’t quite ready to fly. *available in square sizes only

“But He also can turn a barren wilderness into an oasis with water! He can make springs flow into desert lands and them into fertile valleys so that cities spring up and he gives it to all those who are hungry.” Psalm 107:35-36*available in square sizes only

Jeremiah 6:16 “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient ways. Ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls, but we said (we will not).”*available in square sizes only

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matt 18

Jesus says that His well never runs dry, even when ours feels like it has. Inspired by the offer He gives us to drink deeply from His well of wisdom- He promises us that He will give it when we ask. And when God promises…

For those that we’ve lost. For the tears that have been shed. For the ones that are most precious and dear that one day we will see again. You are never forgotten.

*available in square sizes only God holds each of our tears close to His heart and promises to be near the brokenhearted.

*available in square sizes only Proverbs 31:30-31

The dance of joy and sorrow we find the space and freedom to both laugh and grieve at the same time.

*available in square sizes only “All the earth will bow down to worship; all the earth will sing your glories forever! Everyone will say, “Come and see the incredible things God has done; it will take your breath away! Psalms 66:4-5 What sounds like a croak to us sounds like beautiful praise to the God who created. Sing away my friends!

To us it can look turbulent, ever changing, often beautiful but also inconsistent. Yet every morning the sun rises and it sets. The moon remains there even on nights that seem dark. Faithful. He is faithful, always and forever.

*prints available in 11x14 We strive and calculate, carefully trying to “get it right”. We even search the Scriptures looking for algorithm to please God, and to be holy. But as we dig, we are reminded that what God delights in, is our heart- humbled before Him and offered knowing we not calculate ourselves into good standing. Rather He longs for us to come desperately in need of His grace.

*available in square sizes only

*prints available in 11x14, 18x24 Freedom from perfection, from "shoulds" and the joy to be free

Like the bird sent out on the ark, we, the body of Christ carry hope with us into a world desperate to hear his promises.

*available in square sizes only Based on the conversation between God and Job, we too can wrestle with not understanding all of God's ways while still acknowledging that we are not in control.

4x6 blank notecards pack of 12 w/envelope $25 *for larger packs contact Ashley for pricing.

Dandelions are often seen as weeds, however they have been used for centuries for healing purposes in many ways. Their roots go down deeper into the earth and bring up the nutrients for the other plants around it. Like the dandelion we have the chance to do this for others.

*Several of the originals are on display at different locations in San Antonio and some are in my studio. Reach out if you have questions about a specific piece. Most sold pieces can be made into prints
Basic Prints Pricing Guide:
*Some canvas prints available upon request
Signed Linen Fine Art Paper Prints:
(*some designs do best in specific sizes)
8x10 or 8x8- $20
11x14 or 12x12- $35
16x20- $45
18x24- $65
24x30- $100
SEASONS SET (4 panels, 12"x12" each) $130
Pick up in Studio is free. Shipping depends on item and location. Flat prints 12x12/ 11x14 and smaller are $15 in the continental US.
Books by Ashley:

Beyond Compare deals with comparison, self confidence and the truth about God's deep love for us as His children. Written for God's children of all ages.

These stories offer simple tools and ideas to help engage people with the arts so they might be used for their God-given purpose: healing and joy